Grey Whale Watching in Sitka, Alaska

While Grey Whales have consistently migrated through the Sitka, Alaska area in April, usually stopping for a few weeks before continuing their journey north, the past few years have been marked by increased Grey Whale activity in our surrounding area and their stays have grown longer. Even now at the end of May, we are still observing large groups of Grey Whales feeding in the area. This has been noticed by whale researchers as well. Grey Whale migration and behavior studies are now been conducted in the Sitka Sound Area.

If you are interested in getting cozy with the Grey Whales in Sitka, Alaska we highly recommend planning a trip in April. You will not be disappointed as we watch what feels like hundreds of Grey Whales move into the area for our rich feeding grounds as they get very friendly with our fleet and each other (mating behaviors are regularly observed in April as well!)


Killer Whales in Sitka, Alaska